Photo: Angelica Nuttall
This is a piece for those who’s life doesn’t seem to be going in the direction they choose or would like.
Those who keep falling off the bike.
They say: “fall down once, then get up twice.”
But sometimes you need a break between picking up the ride.
Like that hidden in the brush around me.
I know that life is mysterious and shadows much of its intentions.
We tend to follow the trail for safety.
We tend to the trail to make sure that we can find our way out.
A few steps off the traditional path.
A few to many gazes up at the stars.
And we find ourselves lost.
We might be able to chart our way back.
But once over the garden wall.
Seldom do we return unscathed and seldom, the same.
As I walk the same path that so many have walked before.
I wonder about the worth of safety for the sake of sanity.
That I’ll have a warm bed and hot meal at the end of this simple walk through the woods.
This path.
Winding and woven into the natural form of this world.
Is it meant for me?
If I take one step off am I truly lost?
If I walk beside the path but wander I wonder what I’ll learn.
As long as I can find my way back to it.
I’ll be fine.
The birds will guide me. The bears will stay away.
Tree leaves like tea leaves will show my way.
I think what I’m trying to say.
Path or no path.
It’s important that with every step.
To have faith.
To step with conviction compared to complete correction coinciding with others condemned to walk the same.
To not be on cruise control.
But to know.
That, regardless of whatever path you choose.
Whether it be beaten in or soon to be blazed.
Know that you are somewhere.
And somewhere, you're meant to be.
So walk according to your own faith.
And know that the answers you seek at this paths end.
Is right around the bend.
So make sure to take moments in time.
To mend.
Take care