the magic of cole Crawford’s Tree House


Cole Crawford is a fantastic musical talent a ray of sunshine if you have never seen one. He makes the music that holds those summertime nostalgic moments in poetic form. The music itself is easy listening but its the impact that really drew me in. Something about the soothing sounds that bring back those memories of driving in your car with the windows down, campfires and marshmallows. But I think it goes a lot deeper than just summertime stereotypes. His sound is something like a signature. 

With his new album Tree House he states that it is a chapter in his life captured within a work of art and I feel it does his statement justice. Like any story he has an introduction climax and conclusion but theyre all apart of the same chapter in the book and not separate saga’s. 

Cole and I went into the construction of this album briefly in the Interview but it became more than that. It became about being in the moment in his living room and experiencing what would become a nostalgic moment. To say not being on our phones or distracted but just talking to each other, sharing laughs and wine; enjoying the company of others over a shared soundtrack. “Just just sit down and listen to music with your friends, It's a good thing we made ourselves do it and it's a good time. We're going to keep doing it.” Life can distract you from these types of moments and you wont always have them captured on video.

So do your best to remember to enjoy the moments, like a summer time drive.

Follow: Cole
Listen to: Tree House


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