THE TAKE OVER CONTINUES! Again, not literally, but to keep the ball rolling, we’d like to introduce our next editorial team member, JORDAN D. ALEXANDRE!
From a young age, Jordan has said that he was bad at telling stories. But he’s always loved to hear them. The ability to bring people places they’ve never been just through words and expressions was a talent that he’s always longed for and never thought he would achieve. It wasn't until time passed and he began developing his own artistic style and more importantly, artistic voice that he discovered that he was in fact a natural storyteller.
The secret, for him, was to tell the stories from the heart. Allowing the words to come from within and not from others around. It was when he let go of the idea that it had to be perfect; that it became true to Jordan. And just like that people started listening.
What is your seat at the table?
My seat at the table with cafeteria media is to try to produce the best stories that speaks to Connecticut's soul. The state that likes to be called a highway deserves more than to be paved over. There is true culture brewing beneath the surface and my seat is trying to bring it to light.
How do you feed your community?
I feed my community by trying to show the culture and community of my home state through different forms of art, media, and events. To connect the people of Connecticut through my work has always been the goal for me.